Our Services
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Scope of service
Our areas of operations include

Maritime Risk Management Services
Alongside our partners, Diaplous Ship Management Company, we undertake Maritime Risk Management Services, identifying all the inherent risks in transit within the Gulf of Guinea, proposing robust risk mitigation and elimination strategies for safe passage, and safe operations.
Armed Esort Maritime Security Services
We provide Armed Escort Maritime Services. We are one of the few licensed Private Maritime Logistics Support Companies (PMLSC) with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Nigerian Navy in the area of the provision of armed guards on security escort vessels for offshore oil and gas operations.

Maritime Logistics Services
We provide Fast Support Intervention Vessels (FSIVs), Platform Supply Vessels (PSVs), Anchor handling Tug Supply Vessels (AHTSVs), Diving Support Vessels (DSV), Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV), Security Service Vessels (SSVs), Crew Service Vessels (CSVs), Tug Boats, Barges, Accommodation Platform Vessels e.t.c.
Engineering, Procurement, Construction Services (EPC)
We provide Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Services for International Oil Companies (IOCs) and Marginal Field Operators. These includes structural designs, material procurement and construction of critical projects. as well as undertaking construction and transportation, setting up sites offshore for project activities, and overseeing the various projects phases till project completion

Security Services
We provide Security Consultancy, Armed Guards and Pipeline monitoring services to the Oil & Gas Industry
Offshore/ Onshore Pipeline Services
We have a readily available crew to carry out pipe laying and maintenance activities both for onshore and offshore locations in upstream oil and gas, including architecture, construction, and fabrication.

General Procurement
Alkanes-Diaplous Limited, also specializes in the Supply, Installation, Service and Maintenance of:
- Petroleum product supply to vessels and offshore platforms
- Health, Safety & Environmental Equipment
- Communication Equipment
- Computer and Data Storage System.